The world of fine cigars, where quality, value, and your satisfaction take center stage.
What could be more fulfilling than uniting as a family and expanding our family to include cherished customers like you? Every day, we eagerly await the opportunity to serve our cigar family with dedication and unwavering spirit. We’ve crafted our products with love and passion, paying homage to the trust and support you’ve shown us.
Since 1996, we’ve grown through unwavering dedication and a deep love for tobacco, consistently exceeding expectations with innovative releases. Today, we proudly present the culmination of years of hard work and dedication—a promise of high-quality, high-value products.
In our quest to share our passion, we offer various opportunities for you to enjoy an exceptional cigar experience. Our dedicated, service-minded staff lives by the motto: “Make every customer a loyal patron.” Whether you’re an experienced aficionado or a newcomer, we ensure that you savor each moment with our cigars.
Join us on this exciting journey through the world of fine cigars, where quality, value, and your satisfaction take center stage. As we move forward, we carry the memory of our dear cousin Firas Eid with us, guiding our brand with the values and spirit that have always defined us.
Zaid Eid
Brothers Cigars Director.